Well, the 40-minute drive to this church was anything but glamorous. The taxi of course had no air conditioning and driving through village after village was becoming difficult for me--my pregnant, sensitive nose did not know if it could handle any more 'interesting' smells without losing my breakfast. After a very bumpy, very hot, and very long car ride, we finally arrived at Pastor Martha's church for their Sunday morning service, which I was speaking at.
The praise and worship started and to my immediate horror I HAD to make a trip to the ladies room. I knew what that meant: a trip to the squatty potty. As I made the journey, kicking chickens out of the way, I arrived to what I needed to be my throne of grace. There were only small bugs in this one, which I was so thankful for. As I "stood" in there, I cried out, "GOD! I CAN'T DO THIS!"
A sudden overwhelming peace hit me and I am not joking when I say I heard the Lord giggling at me and saying in a bit of an amused way, "You are definitely right about that. YOU can't do this, but I can." That erased my failed attempt at being Superwoman. God was right. I was not capable in my own strength.
It says in James 1 to consider it a sheer gift when tests and challenges come at you from all sides because under pressure your faith is forced into the open and shows its true colors. It says that if you let faith do its work, you become mature and well developed. LUCKILY it says right after that, "If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help."
Well, James 1 came alive to me in that moment. Just when I was ready to give up my faith came out into the open and all I knew to do was ask God for help... and of course HE DID. I walked out of that squatty potty with renewed strength and joy that only God could have given me in this circumstance. The service went AWESOME. After Brandon and Brooklyn introduced me, I had total peace while sharing my heart to these precious people. Everyone at the service agreed together to give God more of our time this coming year. After all, who better to give our time to then the PERFECT GIFT we just celebrated?
All glory to him for being my SUPERMAN once again!